Lifestyle family portraits in eastern Connecticut!
Every year in November, up until thanksgiving. I have the pleasure of meeting beautiful families and capturing their unique personalities as they prepare for the upcoming holidays. After trying several tree farms over the years, this year I was able to switch to an amazing property and I started my tree farm sessions literally on the very first day of November. I absolutely love this time of year, watching little kids running down the rows of trees laughing with their parents. It's such a fleeting and busy three weeks. I was recently talking with a friend client about how much her husband was resistant to having family photo sessions... This is why I use prompts, this is why I have families play games, have tickle fights, walk together like I'm not even there, because authentic connection, love, and play is what I aim to capture at every session. I had so much with this little toddler yesterday who knew exactly what she wanted to do and brought her parents along for the fun and I can't wait to do more of these in the coming weeks!